Salesforce Data Cloud - Segmentation and Customer Insights
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess how segment population has evolved over time
- Assess size of segments
- Assess usage of segments
- Find segments used for activation and segment overlap
- Appraise demographic make up of the customer base
Answer key business questions
- How has the engagement (sales, e-mail) evolved over time for different segments?
- How many individuals (count) are in segment A over the last months?
- How has the segment population evolved over time?
- Is there overlap of individuals between segment A and segment B?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Number of Customers: Number of Customers (expressed in integer)
- Total Sales: Total Sales (expressed in currency)
- Number of Engagement Actions: Number of Engagement Actions (expressed in integer)
- Number of Email Actions: Number of Email Actions (expressed in integer)
- Number of Message Actions: Number of Message Actions (expressed in integer)
- Number of Product Browse Actions: Number of Product Browse Actions (expressed in integer)
- Number of Product Order Actions: Number of Product Order Actions (expressed in integer)
Getting Started Steps
- Ensure you have Tableau Desktop version 2023.2 or higher installed, and it is licensed. Use the Salesforce Data Cloud connector to connect to Data Cloud. Note this is a connector released with the Data Cloud Summer’ 23 release as described here. This accelerator works only with the Salesforce Data Cloud connector.
- Ensure the Tableau has been provisioned access to pull data from Salesforce Data Cloud (previously known as Salesforce CDP). There is great documentation on how to do this on Customer Data Platform’s Help site.
Understand the Data Model Requirements
The Accelerator shows data from these objects
- Individual_Unified_SM__dlm
- Individual_Unified_SMH__dlm
- IndividualIdentityLink__dlm
- ssot__EmailEngagement__dlm
- ssot__Individual__dlm
- ssot__MarketSegment__dlm
- ssot__MarketSegment__dlm (History)
- ssot__MessageEngagement__dlm
- ssot__ProductBrowseEngagement__dlm
- ssot__ProductOrderEngagement__dlm
- ssot__SalesOrder__dlm
- UnifiedContactPointAddress__dlm
- UnifiedIndividual__dlm
Connects to Salesforce Data Cloud
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