Project Management Overview
by Merkle
The Accelerator for Project Management Overview provides a high level overview of your organization's project status. It allows project managers to see the budgeted resources on a given project and compare them to the actual hours worked and the burn down rate for each resource.
It enables the manager to compare elapsed time to consumed budget and make informed decisions about the progress and status of a project.
Please contact Merkle to connect this dashboard seamlessly with your platform.
Answer Key Business Questions
- What is the status of my project?
- How is the project tracking against budget and due date?
- Which of my resources is over/under budget?
- How much more can I utilize my resources and stay within budget?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Total, Consumed and Available Budget
- Total, Worked and Available Hours per consultant
Required Data Attributes
(You also can replace the sample data with a connection to your own Net Zero Cloud instance.)
- Account Name (string)
- Project Name (string)
- Project Budget (float)
- Start Date (date)
- Due Date (date)
- Financial Status (string)
- Overall Status (string)
- Risk Status (string)
- Scope Status (string)
- Budget Month (date)
- Hours Budgeted (float)
- Consultant Name (string)
- Timesheet Date (date)
- Hourly Rate (float)
- Hours Worked (float)
Supports data mapping
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