Call Center
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess & Improve the performance of your Call Center
- Increase our quality of service and customer satisfaction
- Identify your top performing agents
- Better allocate resources according to peak periods
- Assess training requirements for your agents
Answer key business questions
- How many incoming calls do we handle?
- How many calls were answered/abandoned?
- How long do callers wait before hanging up?
- How long do callers wait before having their call answered?
- Which level of service do we deliver to our customers? How satisfied are they?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Total Incoming Calls: Total number of incoming calls
- Incoming Calls (Daily): Average number of incoming calls per day worked
- Nb of Inquiries: Number of inquiries. An inquiry is a question which a customer asks in order to get some information. An inquiry can be subject to multiple calls.
Level of Service
- Total Abandoned Calls: Total number of calls that were abandoned
- Abandoned Calls %: Share of incoming calls that were abandoned (expressed in %)
- Total Answered Calls: Total number of calls that were answered by agents
- Answered Calls %: Share of answered calls compared to all incoming calls (expressed in %)
- FCR - First Contact Resolution: Number of inquiries that were resolved/closed at first call
- FCR - First Contact Resolution %: First Contact Resolution %: Share of inquiries that were resolved at first call (expressed in %)
- CSAT - Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction score (1 for unsatisfied, 5 for fully satisfied)
- Nb of Agents: Number of agents that have been handling at least one call over the period
- Incoming Calls per Agent: Average number of incoming calls per Agent
- Answered Calls per Agent: Average number of answered calls per Agent
- AHT - Average Handle Time: Average Call Handle Time (Talk Time + Hold Time + After-call Tasks) (expressed in s)
- Avg Wait Time: Average time callers wait when calling the call center (expressed in s)
- Avg Wait Time until Answer: Average time callers wait before having their call answered (expressed in s)
- Avg Wait Time until Abandon: Average time callers wait before hanging up (expressed in s)
- Avg Talk Time: Average talk time (expressed in s)
Required attributes
- Call # (string): Call Unique Identifier
- Call Date Time (date): Date Time of the call
- Abandon Flag (string): expected values: 'Y', 'N'. 'Y' means the call was abandoned
- First Contact Resolution Flag (string): expected values: 'Y', 'N'. 'Y' means the issue was solved after the first contact
- Customer (string): Customer where the caller is working
- Agent (string): Agent who handled the call
- Call Reason (string): Reason for the call
- Inquiry # (string): Unique identifier of caller inquiry
- Wait Time (s) (numeric): Call Wait Time in seconds
- Talk Time (s) (numeric): Call Talk Time in seconds
- Handle Time (s) (numeric): Handle Time in seconds (Talk Time + Hold Time + After-call Tasks)
- Customer Satisfaction (numeric): 1 for unsatisfied, 5 for fully satisfied
Supports data mapping
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