Citizen Service Requests
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess & Improve your ability to handle Citizen Service Requests
- Focus your efforts on highest priority CSRs or oldest ones
- Adapt your resource allocation to peak periods or most demanding neighborhoods
- Better serve neighborhoods
Answer key business questions
- What CSRs are we managing?
- What type of CSRs are most commonly submitted?
- Which CSRs should we focus on first?
- How many CSRs are opened each hour on average?
- What is the capacity of our departments to answer citizen requests?
- In which neighborhoods should we prioritize efforts?
Monitor and improve KPIs
Citizen Service Requests
- Nb Created CSRs: Number of CSRs that were created over the period
- Nb Open CSRs: Number of CSRs that are currently open
- Nb Closed CSRs: Number of CSRs that were closed over the period
- CSR Open Time: Average time CSRs are open (only for currently open CSRs)
- Time to Close CSR: Average time it takes to a close a CSR (expressed in day)
Overdue CSRs
- Nb Overdue CSRs: Number of open CSRs that are already overdue
- Overdue CSRs %: Share of open CSRs that are already overdue (expressed in %)
- Nb CSRs Closed Overdue: Number of closed CSRs that were overdue
- CSRs Closed Overdue %: Share of closed CSRs that were overdue (expressed in %)
Required attributes
- CSR Creation Date (date): CSR Open Date-Time
- CSR Closed Date (date): CSR Close Date-Time (is null if the CSR is not closed)
- CSR Number (string): CSR Unique Identifier
- CSR Type (string): Type of the CSR
- CSR Priority (string) ← expected values: "Hazardous", "Emergency", "Standard"
- Is Overdue Flag (string) ← Contains "Y" if the CSR is overdue, "N" else
- CSR Status (string) ← expected values: "Open", "Closed"
- Department (string): Department handling the CSR
- Sub-Department (string): Sub-Department handling the CSR
- Country (string; role: country): Country where the CSR has been requested
- City (string; role: city): City where the CSR has been requested
- ZipCode (string; role: zipcode): ZipCode where the CSR has been requested
- Neighborhood (string): Neighborhood where the CSR has been requested
Supports data mapping
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