graphomate pictograms
by graphomate GmbH
Advantages of the graphomate pictograms at a glance
- freely configurable icons per datarow or datapoint/category
- show one data row on each site of the axis
- supported images types: jpeg, gif, png and svg via Data URL or URL
- icon value legend
- footer and header
- adjustable category labels
- highly customizable value format
- adjustable spacings like category spacing or icon spacing (within a category)
The graphomate pictograms are a visualization component based on icons. This allows "complex" issues to be depicted quickly and understandably.
To use the graphomate pictograms online without a watermark, feel free to ask us for time-limited demo versions or purchase subscription licenses. For more information, please visit our website.
Tech Specifications
- Hosted at
- https://api.graphomate.com/tableau/pictograms/shop/
- Works with
- Tableau 2018.2 and laterTableau Public (2020.1 and later)
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