Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud - Grantmaking
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Use the standard Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Grantmaking data model to understand and inform your grantmaking process, allocation, and funding trends:
- By program
- By state
- By grantee
- Over time
- Understand funding history and trends
- Evaluate the application process
- Deep dive at the grantee level
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Nb Grants: Total number of grants awarded over the period
- Total Grant Amount: Total amount of grants awarded over the period (expressed in currency)
- Grant Amount per Grantee: Average grant amount per recipient (expressed in currency)
- Nb Grantees: Total number of grantees to whom a grant was awarded over the period
- Grantee Applications: Focus area, population served, type of grant, requested and awarded amounts
- Nb Awards: Number of awards received by focus area, location, and amount
- Total Grant Amount Requested: Total amount of grants requested (expressed in currency)
- Total Grant Amount Funded: Share of total amount of grants awarded over the period compared to total grant amount (expressed in %)
Required Attributes
- Grant # (string): Grant unique identifier
- Program (string): Program to which the grant belongs
- Activity (string): Activity for which the grant is awarded
- Award Date (date): Date the grant was awarded (e.g., "Research", "Training", "Community")
- Country (string, role: country): Country of the grantee
- State (string, role: province): State / Province of the grantee
- City (string, role: city): City of the grantee
- Grantee (string): Identifier of the grant recipient
- Grant Amount (numeric): Amount of grant awarded
- Nb Served (Target): Number of individuals expected to receive services from the grant
- Target Population (string): Population expected to be served by the grant
Understand the Data Model Requirements
This accelerator is compatible with the Nonprofit Cloud data model only.
The Accelerator shows data from these objects:
- Funding Award
- Funding Disbursement
- Funding Opportunity
- Individual Application
- Account
- Contact
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