Project Pipeline Planning
by Moyo
The Accelerator for Project Pipeline Planning offers insight into your organisation’s planned projects portfolio, aiding decision-making and progress tracking via iterative planning playback. You can use the “Portfolio Overview” and “Portfolio Overview - Timeline” dashboards to assess cost and benefit distribution. “Projects - Cost & Benefit” facilitates project comparison while “Projects by Detail” provides a detailed view. The “Project Profile” dashboard offers a comprehensive view of a specific project. Finally, “Projects per Goal” aligns the project portfolio with strategic goals.
Answer Key Business Questions
- Are there any goals that do not have supporting projects planned?
- Which projects and their constituent initiatives is the organisation strategically focused on?
- What is the overall contribution of all projects to the costs and benefits?
- How do the costs measure up to the benefits over time?
- What is the business unit ranking regarding benefits and costs?
- What is the current phase of each initiative based on its planned timeline, including start and completion dates?
- What is the cost-benefit analysis for each project?
Monitor & Improve KPIs
- Planned Cost
- Expected Benefit
- Project Count:
- Initiative Count
Required Data Attributes
- Goal Name (String)
- Goal Item (String)
- Goal Description (String)
- Region (String)
- Location (String)
- Project Name (String)
- Initiative Name (String)
- Strategic Programme (String)
- Project Phase (String)
- High-Level Benefit Description (String)
- Benefit (Number)
- Cost (Number)
- Year (Number)
- Planned Start Date (Date)
- Planned Completion Date (Date)
Supports data mapping
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