Climate Impact
by Merkle
The Accelerator for Climate Impact provides a high-level overview of an organisation’s carbon footprint and allows the user to drill down into regional emissions and identify outliers by office or business unit and emission type. It enables users to see a detailed breakdown of their energy usage as well as travel emissions.
The dashboard is developed based on the Net Zero Cloud data model with only minimal transformations. It will work with other emission tracking platforms, as well.
Get in touch with Merkle to connect this dashboard seamlessly with your platform.
Answer Key Business Questions
- What is our carbon footprint and how does it compare to previous years?
- What offices and business units contribute most to our carbon footprint?
- What type of emissions do we cause and how much do they contribute to our overall footprint?
- Which suppliers are most carbon neutral?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions YoY
- Energy Consumption
- Travel Emissions
Required Data Attributes
(You also can replace the sample data with a connection to your own Net Zero Cloud instance.)
- Cost Centre (string)
- Date (Date)
- Emission Source Name (string)
- Energy Measure Sub-Group (string)
- Energy Measure Name (string)
- Energy Use Parent Group (string)
- Energy Use Object (string)
- Fuel Type Group (string)
- Fuel Type (string)
- Country Code (string)
- Country (string)
- City (string)
- Supplier Name (string)
- Distance in KM (float)
- Energy Measure Value (float)
- Occupied Floor Area in m2 (float)
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