People Overview
by Tableau
Employees are an organisation’s great asset. The People Overview dashboard is the first stop for leaders to learn about the composition of their workforce and key trends across hiring, headcount, demographic diversity and attrition. Metrics can be viewed by several different dimensions including Department, Job Level and Country to enable comparisons and identify hotspots.
Answer Key Business Questions
- How are we progressing in representation of Women, globally and Underrepresented Minorities (URMs), within the US?
- What is our current employee attrition, how is it trending, and which departments are experiencing the highest rates of attrition?
- How much has our organisation grown since the prior fiscal year?
- In which departments are we hiring the most employees?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Headcount
- Representation of Women globally and Underrepresented Minorities (URMs) in the US.
- Hires
- Attrition rates
Required Data Attributes
Monthly snapshots of employees, inclusive of hires and terminations
- Employee ID (string)
- Headcount effective date (date)
- Hire date (date)
- Term date (date)
- Department (string)
- Job Level (string)
- Country (string)
- Gender (string)
- Race/Ethnicity (US) (string)
Supports data mapping
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