Grant Allocation
by Tableau
This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:
- Assess the allocation of grants: by programme, by activity, by state
- Understand how allocations evolve
- Evaluate grant renewals
- Deep-dive at Programme or Grantee level of detail
Answer key business questions
- What is the amount of the grants we allocate?
- Who are our top recipients?
- In which states are our grants given?
- Which programmes receive the most grants?
Monitor and improve KPIs
- Nb Grants: Total number of grants awarded over the period
- Total Grant Amount: Total amount of grants that were awarded over the period (expressed in currency)
- Grant Amount per Grantee: Average grant amount per recipient (expressed in currency)
- Nb Grantees: Total number of grantees to whom a grant was awarded over the period
- Nb New Grantees: Total number of grantees to whom a grant was awarded for the first time over the period
Grant Renewals
- Total Grant Amount Renewed: Total amount of grants awarded in renewal over the period (expressed in currency)
- Total Grant Amount Renewed %: Share of total amount of grants awarded in renewal over the period compared to total grant amount (expressed in %)
- Nb Grants Renewed: Number of grants that were renewed over the period
- Nb Grants Renewed %: Share of grants that were renewed over the period (expressed in %)
Required attributes
- Grant # (string): Grant unique identifier
- Program (string): Programme to which the grant belongs
- Activity (string): Activity for which the grant is awarded
- Award Date (date): Date the grant was awarded (“Research”, “Training”, “Community”...)
- Country (string, role: country): Country of the grantee
- State (string, role: province): State / Province of the grantee
- City (string, role: city): City of the grantee
- Grantee (string): Identifier of the grant recipient
- Grant Amount (numeric): Amount of grant awarded
Supports data mapping
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